The Post’s monthly general membership meeting is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, except December. All members of the Post Family are welcome to attend either online or in person. The ZOOM session opens at about 6:45 PM to allow for setup time for those attending. If you did not receive the ZOOM login, send a note to the Adjutant at or text him at 407-619-9611 PRIOR to 5 PM on the meeting day.
Nominations open for the Post’s Officers for 2025-2026 at this meeting. Nominations will close at the April meeting with elections being held at the May meeting. Officers take their positions at the July Meeting and Installation of Officers.
If you are interested in holding an office within the Post, contact the Adjutant at or call the Post at 407-671-6404 and leave a message for a return call.
Positions available are:
Vice Commander (2 slots)
Finance Officer
Sgt At Arms
The nominations will be finalized at the April meeting and the election will be held at the May meeting.