12 events found.
Auxiliary Unit Meeting
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLFleet Reserve Association meeting
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLThe Fleet Reserve Association board will meet at the Post at 9:30 a.m. You should receive an email from the FRA Secretary with more information prior to the meeting. If you are interested in attending, contact the Secretary, Stephen Miglionico at 321-301-6256.
Dommerich Elementary School Medals
Dommerich Elementary SchoolSon’s Squadron Meeting
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLThe Squadron is meeting is meeting on ZOOM on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. If you have not received the login information, send a text to the Adjutant @ 407-619-9611. If you wish to "visit" the meeting, please contact the Adjutant by 5 PM on the meeting date.
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLThe Post will be having a BLOOD DRIVE and YOU are invited! Click here to see the FLYER. Be sure to use the link and code on the flyer for the correct donation site.