12 events found.
Boys State Orientation
The Boys State delegates and alternates MUST attend with a PARENT in order to attend Boys State.
Son’s Squadron Meeting
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLThe Squadron is meeting is meeting on ZOOM on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. If you have not received the login information, send a text to the Adjutant @ 407-619-9611. If you wish to "visit" the meeting, please contact the Adjutant by 5 PM on the meeting date.
Sea Cadet Drill
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLPost General Meeting
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLLake Howell High School Medals
Citizenship medals are presented to one male and one female graduate by the American Legion.
Sea Cadet Drill Weekend
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLAuxiliary Unit Meeting
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLFleet Reserve Association meeting
Post 112 4490 N Goldenrod Rd, Winter Park, FLThe Fleet Reserve Association board will meet at the Post at 9:30 a.m. You should receive an email from the FRA Secretary with more information prior to the meeting. If you are interested in attending, contact the Secretary, Stephen Miglionico at 321-301-6256.